Direct Mail Campaign


Create a direct mail piece for ITPAC that surpassed gatekeepers and directly to the final decision makers for hospitals and banks. ITPAC provides assistance with IT audit and regulatory compliance for hospitals and banks. Their main targets are hospital CEOs and bank Presidents, both of whom are notorious for being difficult to connect with due to having numerous gatekeepers before anything reaches their desk.


The overall direct mail campaign strategy was to create four pieces: The first one was an oversized postcard, the second piece was to be more dynamic, and the final two pieces would be oversized postcards that mailed out every two months. For the direct mailer, we wanted to create something compelling that popped out once opened, explained the different threats these target organizations face daily to encourage them to set up a compliance audit. We partnered with Agency 877 to create a dynamic design.


The piece got the attention we were hoping for, and more. Typically ITPAC’s audits didn’t get booked up until the fourth quarter of the year. Two weeks after this dynamic piece was sent (mid-June), ITPAC had booked all of their remaining audits for 2018, meaning that there was no need to continue with the rest of the campaign.

The ITPAC Direct Mailer won a Prism Award for Print or Three-Dimensional Piece – Small Business at the 2019 Lincoln AMA Prism Awards.

Award Winning Work