There are a few things we believe in and focus on. We didn’t make this stuff up; we stole it from people much smarter than us. The best part is much of it is easily available. Books like The Long and The Short of It, How Brands Grow, and Lemon. Presentations, articles, and classes from people like Mark Ritson and Rory Sutherland, as well as our own accumulated knowledge and experience, inform what we do and how we do it. This is what we focus on.
First, a caveat:
There are no wizards, and there is no magic wand. Gary V, anyone saying they’re a “ninja” or “guru” is full of shit. Smart, consistent advertising and marketing that follows a good strategy works.
This is the short version of our philosophical and intellectual underpinnings. If you’d like to follow up on any of these or have an in-depth conversation on the connection between peacock feathers, diamond engagement rings, and Super Bowl ads, give us a call.