Whistling Andy
Welcome To Montana
The Challenge & Objectives:
As a small, local operation based in Montana’s Glacier Country, Whistling Andy needed to raise their profile as Montana’s oldest (legal) distillery. Increasing awareness, consideration, and trial locally would help grow sales and provide the opportunity for additional online sales due to the 12M+ annual visitors to the area.
Strategy & Tactics:
The goal was to create a campaign that harnessed Montana’s brand as a wild and scenic place that outsiders could recognize, but with an intensely local twist. The 12M+ visitors a year combined with the intense inflow of new residents from west coast metros produces a large population that appreciates Montana’s wild nature but does not understand what that wildness entails.
We used local insights and headlines ripped from the local papers to craft a campaign that gave a winking nod to all the avoidably dumb shit people do when visiting Montana. This positioned Whistling Andy as a local brand for Montana natives, and anyone who’d like to think of themselves as one.
Print, outdoor, radio, and social executions were created to utilize a multi-channel approach that would reach both locals and visitors in the area.
Bonus Points:
We won a Silver at the Nebraska Advertising Awards for this campaign.
Radio spots: