What’s Up Nebraska
Video Production, Travel & Tourism
When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit the United States, the country’s travel and tourism industry came to a near halt in March 2020. As the world’s positive numbers dropped and businesses began to open for the summer safely, the M2 team came up with an idea to help their tourism clients.
In an effort to check up on their clients while promoting great, safe activities as towns/counties began opening up, Kurt Hesser and Dany Cook set out on a road trip to vlog all the fun, social distancing activities opening across the state of Nebraska.
Highlighting places from Cheyenne County to Nebraska City, and climbing up view towers from all points across the state, the three-season series encourages people of all ages across any region to practice social distancing while getting back to traveling across the great state of Nebraska.
In October 2020, the Nebraska Tourism Commission awarded M2 the Friend of Tourism Award for the “What’s Up Nebraska” video series. Part of the recognition was for the weekly zoom meet-ups that M2 hosted to share ideas on how organizations can survive and thrive during COVID named “Overcoming the Coronavirus Together.”