Crete Area Medical Center/Bryan Health

Flu Season

The Challenge & Objectives:

Get people in Crete, Wilber, and Friend, Nebraska, to get a flu shot.

Strategy & Tactics:

During flu season, people get inundated with a number of messages reminding them when and where to get a flu shot. We needed these ads to stand out in hospitals, clinics, and the general public.

To do this, we landed on the idea of band posters and turned flu season into a band that was touring the local Nebraska area.

Flu Season was either “Coming Soon To An Area Near You” or “LIVE.” To keep the poster informative, we included the names of the opening bands touring with Flu Season, which were “Cover Your Mouth When Coughing,” “Avoid Touching Your Face,” “Remember To Wash Your Hands,” and “Stay Home.”

To make these ads stand out from the hospitals and clinics where they would be featured, we created a series of posters that had a slight punk vibe with vibrant colors and an uneven font.

The radio ad was recorded and edited in-house. With its high energy and “punk band” theme, it’s the last thing you would expect to hear promoting a flu shot.

The campaign included posters, digital, social, radio, newspaper, billboard, direct mail, and a rack card.